Destiny 2: How to Increase Guardian Rank Quickly
Guardian Ranks are just one of the many additions that were added to Destiny 2 with the release of Lightfall. This new system was put in place of the previous triumph system and is supposed to not only serve the purpose of guiding new players. There are also plenty of nice bonuses locked behind these Guardian Ranks which makes many people want to level them up as fast as possible. Let’s go over how to quickly rank up your Guardian Ranks in Destiny 2.
How to Quickly Rank Up Your Guardian Rank in Destiny 2The Guardian Rank system does more than just allow you to flex how good you are at the game. It is also supposed to help new players figure out what activities are by guiding them to them in order to increase their rank and slowly unlock more features in Destiny 2.
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This is much better than the previous tutorial that just let players out into the wild open world of Destiny 2 and only limited them on their builds. However, locking features behind the ranks system, it is leading many players to want to quickly rank up.

Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be any real trick to quickly ranking up, you just have to complete challenges like normal. You can go through and pick out specific challenges that would be easy for you to do in particular if you want to level up as fast as possible. You will need to complete 23 challenges to get to Rank 7 since most players are starting at rank 6.
Many of this season’s challenges seem to be linked to completing the full Lightfall campaign and unlocking Strand. This might take a bit of time to do, so you will want to focus on some of the other challenges.
You could focus on getting 50 kills with the seasonal exotic bow, which will also contribute toward getting the catalyst. There are also plenty of challenges for getting vendor ranks that can be passively done while you are completing Nightfalls and other activities.
* This article was originally published here
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