Genshin Impact Setaria answers

The Genshin Impact 3.1 update brings with it a new area to explore - the Sumeru Desert - along with a continuation of the third Archon quest. However, during Act 3: Dreams, Emptiness, Deception, you’re faced with a quest called ‘Like a Triumphant Hero’, where it tasks you with essentially tricking an NPC called Setaria as a part of Genshin Impact Nahida’s plan.
If you’ve got a sharp eye and a good memory, then getting the right Genshin Impact Setaria answers to progress shouldn’t be too tough. However, if, like us, you struggle to retain information outside of Disney songs or a bad Cyno puns, then you’re in luck. In this guide we list all the Like a Triumphant Hero questions and answers, so you can get back to helping the small radish god get through to Setaria.
For more handy Genshin content, check out our Genshin Impact scarab farming tips, Genshin Impact events, and Genshin Impact banner guide. We’ve also got a list of all the latest Genshin Impact codes, as well as a regularly updated Genshin Impact tier list so you know who’s worthy of those Hero’s Wits.
RELATED LINKS: Play Genshin Impact for free, Genshin Impact tier list, Genshin Impact codes* This article was originally published here
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