Fantastic Five: The best comics of the week of September 28, 2022

We made it, everyone: It’s Friday, which not only means the end of the work week for many of us, it also means it’s time for Fantastic Five! Join us as we look back on the past week of single-issue comic books and determine the very best comics of the week based on AIPT ratings. DC had another big week, with a highly anticipated debut issue, the return of a fan favorite, and the continuation of a superb Superman series. Image and BOOM! round out the top 5. Let’s take a look:
Tim Drake: Robin #1Tim Drake: Robin is a fresh start for the character in more ways than one. From the Rossmo art that is unlike anything else to Tim Drake’s new lifestyle and home in the harbor, there’s so much here that makes the character feel brand spanking new. That’s exciting in a series set in Gotham where so many characters have remained the same for so long.
Read David Brooke’s full review!
Flawed #1Flawed #1 is an action-packed book with a lot to say. It has some good twists and is worth picking up at your local comic book retailer. Writer Chuck Brown, artist Prenzy, and everyone else who worked on this series has a hit on their hands for sure.
Read Ronnie Gorham’s full review!
The Nice House on the Lake #10Surprise, surprise: The Nice House on the Lake returns, and it’s a masterclass in dread, unease, and great-paced horror. Tynion, Bueno, and Bellaire are crafting something truly special and haven’t missed a beat since the very first panel.
Read David Brooke’s full review!
Superman: Space Age #2Magic emanates from this book, which makes not only a strong case for our love of Superman but how we can all be heroes in our own right. Even just two issues in, the story is a powerful meditation on superheroes, the 20th century, and our own place in building a better, more just world.
Read Chris Coplan’s full review!
Briar #1Briar builds on classic fairy tale tropes to create a singular vision, one that breaks down the classic stories without losing sight of the fantastic. It’s already my favorite new series of 2022.
Read Nathan Simmons’ full review!
* This article was originally published here
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